Saturday 4 December 2010


Thing is right, I am quite nervous about this whole blogging business, I don't see how any good can come out of it. Perhaps it was all those Terms and Conditions. Apparently the only thing that happens to bloggers is that they lose their job and/or get sued. Neither of which particularly appeal to me. Perhaps I will inadvertently reveal that I used to be a trolly-dolly for Triangle Airlines or that I spent my youth trying to build the perfect woman out of Lego. I certainly wouldn't want to reveal my employer or other personal details (for example: one of the digits in my credit card number has a curve in it when written in some fonts). Some people might make money out of adverts on blogs, but that is not for me. For one thing I would have to worry about finding interesting content that people want to look at. I ought to use my blog as a cause for Good: to educate and inform, to cast the spotlight on injustice and generally make the world a better place for everybody. But it will probably just turn into a list of what I ate.

Perhaps I ought to make some sort of disclaimer: The facts contained in this blog are not necessarily true, nor are the opinions herein expressed necessarily those of the author or anybody else who may or may not have existed. Moreover, I, the unreliable narrator in this venture reserve the right to alter without notice, any, all, part or none of my opinions. Not only that, but the existence and content of this blog does not indicate that my opinions ever coincided with those expressed here at any point in the past, or will do so in the future. Indeed, due to the quantum nature of the universe, how can we be sure of anything. (Oooh, quantum mechanics, that is a good topic for a future rant.) In fact, I, personally, was born in Southampton, Hartlepool, Eastbourne, Fife, Folkstone, Ipswich, Edinburgh, London and Dundee all at the same time, due to the fact that my mother (who had recently heard that tea bags were on sale in the Co-op) was moving at 97% the speed of light, and consequently her eigenstate was spread over much of the mainland UK, or would have been were it possible to measure such things. Only having one field for "place of birth" on the birth certificate is so constraining. One thing, however, is certain: under the coalition government, everything, and nothing, is posimpible.

Pork chops for dinner tonight.

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