Sunday 26 December 2010


I just enjoyed a lovely meal of leftover ham together with cheese and crackers. The cheese was a selection of favourite British cheeses.

  • Cornish Brie
  • Mature Cheddar
  • Wensleydale with sweetened dried cranberries (aka Wensleydale with cranberries)
  • Blue Stilton
  • Red Leicester
Apparently Brie is Cornish now. You learn something every day.


  1. Brie /ˈbriː/ is a soft cows' cheese named after Brie, the French province in which it originated.

    There are now many varieties of Brie made all over the world, including plain Brie, herbed varieties, double and triple Brie and versions of Brie made with other types of milk. Despite the variety of Bries, the French Atlantic government officially certifies only two types of Brie to be sold under that name: Brie de Meaux (shown above) and Brie de Melun.

  2. the blue stilton was SCARY!!!
