Friday, 30 March 2012


A far person and a thin person engaging in some sort of competition. The title says it all really.

I was watching "Supersize vs Superskinny" the other day. This woman was a fan of pork pies and sausage rolls. So Dr. Christian thought it would be a great idea to get some unsightly bits of pig and dump them in a big bowl and say, "This is what goes into your pies." Fortunately for her, the woman reacted like he expected and doesn't eat nearly so many pies any more. However she missed a trick, she should have been like:
I just been watching Masterchef, yeah, and they are like always cooking pork belly and trotters and pig cheek. They serve it in all the best restaurants and whatnot and folks pay loads to get some trotters on their plate.
Some bits of pig in a bowl. It just takes a couple of hours and highly trained chef to turn this into a plate of food that costs £60. Notice I didn't say it is worth £60.

The thermostat must be broken cos they always seem to be wandering around the Channel 4 health-clinic in their underwear.

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