Wednesday 28 March 2012

Mothering Sunday

It's a little bit after the event, but I have had to endure another once-religious event which has now been bastardised into yet another reason to encourage everybody to go out and spend money to keep the economy going. This time on the theme of motherhood.

Only it isn't. Or wasn't for a while. Instead it was all about going back to the church you attended as a child: your "mother church". It was an excuse for families to reunite if they had children that had moved to different parts of the country. You may notice that the date is tied in with lent and therefore Easter and so on and so forth. Over the centuries all that became forgotten and was replaced with remembering our mothers. Which is itself not too bad a thing.

What I really detest is being under so much pressure to buy cards and gifts and flowers and shit. If I choose to give something to my mother then that is up to me, and surely it means more if I remember of my own volition rather than being badgered into it by all the advertising. And it gets even worse than that, cos we seem to have to include every female in society somehow giving mother's day cards to grandmas and the like.

What with all this rushing around helping my kids scribble on key-rings or stick felt on pint glasses (what, you mean you didn't give your mother a decorated pint glass this year?) there wasn't actually much of a chance for me to remember my own mother. Which would have been nice.

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