Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Project: Extension - Day 10

Day 10. It's cold and windy. But at least it is bright and sunny. The rain has stopped. A perfect day for making 14 year old boys crawl around in the cold mud and calling it rugby. Well, that is what happened at my school anyway.

Was quite windy again last night. I believe that gazebo thing is supposed to be upright, but I hardly ever see it like that. I usually wake up to find it stuck in the neighbours tree.

My lawn! My beautiful lawn!
You can see where the door is going to be!

Today, for the first time I offered the builders a hot drink. It's one thing to hide upstairs and try to pretend I am not in, but quite another when I am stood on the other side of a window making risotto while they are working hard in the freezing cold. They accepted my tea and everybody was happy for a bit. When they left for the day I realised I hadn't got my cups back. Had I done something to upset them? I suddenly remembered the phrase "builder's tea". Maybe I hadn't made it strong enough? Definitely less than the approved 3 minutes. And nowhere neat the 8 minutes required to make the eponymous builders drink.

I went on a late night sortie to try to recover the cups. Lest they get flecked with cement, which might dry on them, making them pretty much unusable. Found one, the other is still missing. Wouldn't it be cool if it was inside the wall? What would future historians make of that?

In other developments we received a delivery of scaffolding today. Which has yet to be built.

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