Sunday 10 April 2011

April showers bring May flowers

Have used the nice weather this weekend to get some stuff done in the garden. I cut one of the two evil hedges and got chance to do some general tidying and weeding and things. It does feel quite manly getting covered in scratches while pruning a giant plant of some sort. Reminds me of man's eternal struggle against nature: I hack it back every year or so, and it keeps growing to be too big and unruly, so I hack it back again. But not before it has done a few points of damage to my flesh. The garden is mostly looking alright at the moment.

I do enjoy using some chemicals on my garden. (It's okay, they are organic.) I get to feed the plants I like and want to nurture, and I get to use my industrial grade poison to indiscriminately kill everything else.

Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)
It seems everybody has been enjoying this unseasonably nice weather with barbecues and sunbathing and stuff. And I hate to be the grumpy bastard (but it is my blog). People have been talking like this is summer. Fudge that! It is 10th April. Early - mid spring. "April showers bring May flowers"? When was the last time that was true, my garden is dry, dry, dry. My lawn should be lush and verdant at this time of year, but looks brown and barren. And my flower beds are turning to dust. I, for one, want it to rain.

As usual, the spring in the north is several weeks behind the south, and the spring in my garden is another couple of weeks behind the rest of the street. My daffodils are flowering now when everybody else's were out ages ago, and my neighbours tulips were out last week, while mine are still getting ready burst open into their brief display.

Dashi Dog (aka Sauci Dog)

In other news, I saw "The Last King of Scotland" last night. Thought I would try something a bit different and I enjoyed it. (Despite saying it isn't what I would usually watch, it still had violence, nudity and a car chase.)

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